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Process & Procurement


Milan provides advisory services to owners through the full asset management cycle, starting before a purchase is made. One of the most important decisions in real estate investing is whether and when to buy an asset.  (Sometimes the best decision is to do nothing.)

The process begins by identifying a potential acquisition, continues through underwriting and due diligence, effective negotiations with the seller and sources of financing, then culminates with the facilitation of the purchase through title and escrow.



As a result of Milan Capital’s impressive track record of closing nearly 100% of all escrows it enters, commercial brokers, entitlement specialists, lender representatives, and authorities in city and county governments have looked to Milan as no-nonsense buyers who follow through on commitments.

The value of this well-deserved reputation is being “top of list” for brokers and other participants in the real estate markets.  The depth of contacts now providing deals to Milan is quite extensive and continues to grow.

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